Tuesday, November 5, 2019


We were able to share many new updates during our most recent update, but our time since then has been filled with waiting. When you last heard from us, we had applied for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to be issued by CARA in order for our paperwork to be presented in court. We are still at this point in the process. Today (Tuesday, November 5, 2019) marks three months of anticipating the receipt of this certification.

We wish we could say we have endured this silence with complete grace and patience, but that has not always been the case. This type of waiting feels similar to mourning. We spend days longing for, and missing, someone we have not yet met. When we allow ourselves to dwell on these thoughts, our responses often range from tears, to anger and frustration over the situation. We have not always handled this well, and this season of quiet anticipation has shown us over and over again our need for Christ.

“ The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” 
~Lamentations 3:25

Who are we waiting for? Who is responsible for the delays? We know that we are waiting for our little girl to come home, and it would seem that the delays are coming from various government entities. However, as followers of Christ, we know that ultimately God is sovereign and in complete control of our adoption journey. He is not caught by surprise in our waiting or seemingly pointless delays. We remind ourselves, sometimes moment by moment, that we are waiting on the Lord. He is the one who has called us to this process, and He is the one who will sustain us through it. We know Him personally. He is good, faithful, steadfast and merciful. It is good for us to wait for Him and His newfound mercies we receive every day.

Please join us in prayer:

  • Pray for our daughter that she will continue to grow and stay healthy. 
  • Pray for those who care for her on a daily basis that they may know how to best care for her. 
  • Pray for us in the waiting that we will truly trust Christ.
  • Pray for CARA and all the others involved in the decision to issue our family the NOC. 
  • Pray that our process will move forward and we will be able to bring our daughter home soon!
  • Finally, pray for Lifeline as they seek to determine the best way to advocate for the children of India and their adoptive families.