Wednesday, August 21, 2019


We are happy to report that we have been busy with paperwork and we have seen great progress on our adoption At the beginning of our adoption, we received a checklist from Lifeline that highlights every step of the journey and keeps us focused on the next step. There are 25 milestones throughout the process, and the opportunity to check off even one is a celebration! Since our last update on the blog, we have added six checkmarks to our list!

After officially accepting our little girl’s file, we began applying for her immigration approval and ultimately the approval of the Indian Adoption Authority. Approval for her immigration takes several different steps and the issuing of various documents. We were able to  work through those, and we have now officially applied for a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Indian Adoption Authority. The wait time for this document can be three or more months, but it is a big point in the Indian adoption process. Once this document is issued, her orphanage will submit the NOC, along with her dossier (home study and additional documents), for an Adoption Petition in court. The court appointment and approval can also take several months to finalize, but we are humbled to be this far along in the journey! 

God has blessed us with the ability to check off many of the boxes on our checklist, but none of it is possible without the love, prayers and support of our community! Adoption is not something you do alone. Since the first day we announced our adoption, we have had family, friends and many more support us in unimaginable ways. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this, and we ask that you continue to pray with us as we wait. 

Prayer specifics:
1.Please pray for our little one that God will protect her and also be preparing her heart for adoption.
2. Pray for documents to be processed quickly and for the court approval to run smoothly. 
3. Pray we will wait with patience.
4. Pray for wisdom to know how to parent well.
5. Pray that God will be glorified through our entire adoption process. 

Dossier paperwork
 Just a small sample of what
we have been working on.